The Rockhampton Photography Club is a long established club which aims to foster photography among its’ members and the general community. The club has a blend of experienced, amateur and raw beginner photographers and caters for all age groups. It is a progressive club driven by its’ members mutual enjoyment of photography in its many facets. It provides a forum in which its members can improve and expand their photographic skills.
If you would like to contact us please either send an email to, message us on Facebook, call our Club President Fran McFadzen on 0439 567 886 or even send us an old fashioned snail mail to Rockhampton Photography Club, PO Box 491, Rockhampton QLD 4700.
Come along to the club rooms and have a chat. We meet on the 1st Friday of the month* for our competition night at the Walter Reid building, 1st floor at 6pm. We run a number of events for members throughout the year so keep an eye on our calendar page for the updates of when and where to join in on the fun.
*Competition nights are subject to change.
Not sure where the Walter Reid Centre is? You can find it on the corner of Derby St and East St.
We have an active social media presence with our main Facebook page and members get access to our members only Facebook group.